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I’ll chuck in my £3.79… which I’m happy to pay as its cheaper than a magazine subscription. But going on from my hobby lab content comment. Been a backstager for 4/5 years now… and I’m not massively keen with the current content. I’ve watched maybe 2/3 XLBS in the last 12 months. I used to visit and post on the site everyday a couple of years ago. Then went to maybe only looking at the site once a month, if that (but carried on with my subscription as it’s still cheaper than a magazine from smiths!). Only the last 40k event got me actively interested in the site again (the joke being I don’t even play 40k anymore as I’m a Horus Heresy player). For me the best bit of BOW was the Hobby Lab videos, I liked the detailed builds. In comparison, I think the hobby vlogs, while ok, aren’t a patch on the old format (as you have said to me previously,  the new format is easier to film, BUT doesn’t change the fact they aren’t as good). I’ll be honest, I now get my terrain fix from the Terrain Tutor. Detailed vids and regular (and has the feel of the old style BOW from a few years ago). I know @warzan and @lloyd are busy doing other parts of the business, but I just liked watching you two guys make terrain. Especially when it was scratch built. Making scenery is a hobby in itself for me. Still want the ULTIMATE guide to rubble mix that you promised on the 40k bootcamp lol ?


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