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With payday errands and sleeping before work, as well as toy shopping for my sons birthday next week, I was too busy to hobby! Though I did tidy the front room, and its now a play room. Hopefully I will have a stay-in ‘not date’ with my gf at hers tomorrow painting models and watching tv (assuming my parents are willing to babysit).


I panicked and ordered Dublin Steel Panther tickets because some gigs in England already sold out. Listening to ‘Fat Girl’ at work now, not posting a link as there is profanity and a huge lack of political correctness <fat girl, whoa oh oh oh! Everything I wanted and more! Fat girl, whoa oh oh oh, she cant fit through the door!>



Starfleet can be – and the crew of TNG were far less interesting than the initial clashing with those in Voyager and DS9 (hats off to Sisko for being involved in assassinating a Romulan ambassador to get them on their side for the Dominion War):



Though the federation isn’t all smiles



Im doing cheap dates and nights in for a while with car tax, insurance renewel, repairs, retests, my sons birthday, two friends birthdays and my mothers… But the GF has almost finished some Warhammer Age of Sigmar models.


Ill try take pics tomorrow or Sunday. I completed those original four bikes, did two more, finished the two landspeeders and added diorama ish bases to the speeders. I now have a squad of ten scouts kitbashed, ready for priming. Its been raining solidly on and off over the last few days and the air is too damp. Im hoping to get a good day to prime. I picked up two double orders of Conquest Magazine so I might do up some Primaris Mantis Warriors on foot too…




You aren’t missing much. Yeah it’s a boelox argument (see, I kept it clean!) to make. Likewise ‘5 year old overturning their toy bin’ isn’t good either. I don’t mind a clear battlefield as long as it looks like a battlefield and not… an empty kitchen table. As long as one army isn’t like, all artillery. BoW did some Zulu stuff a while back, you should give a look for it.




Not much, yes, sadly. I think maybe it’s a good thing that independent tournaments are pretty big for their games right now so you can do what you want for the most part. To be fair CB do have some very nice starters.




It was good at the time but most of the sculpts in it have not aged well, but those Copters are still amazing. I think you can still get them in a model set they do for ye olde model shops rather than hobby shops.



I recommend reading the first chronological (as opposed to written) Elric stories. That and the Warhound and the World’s Pain. I have some of the newer Eternal Champion stuff Mongoose Publishing did a few years ago.



The movie were good, I loved the books but they were not easy to read. At least King has justification (not that I have read much of his stuff) with the whole keen interest in ‘Bolivian Marching Powder’ from back in the day. I keep hearing Heart of Darkness is better than Apocalypse now


Havent seen the Peck Moby Dick movie, nor the Picard one. Is First Contact analgous to it with the whole Locutus, Borg Borg queen thing, cos Im not seeing it.


Nope, no book club for me.


I like Jefferies stand up but not so much his TV show. Bill Hicks is a comedian @irredeemable has gone on about at length to me in our painting sessions. The guy died very young of a heart attack just when he got a HBO series, I have read. Who knows what we would have got with stand up shows, tv programs and movies.


I vaguely recall reading Spike Milligan pieces here and there as a child.


Steel Panther did a few Crue covers at their last gig. So good.


I prioritised minding the dogs over going to Metallica this year but they were well past their creative prime and shorter past their physical one.


Never seen Danzig before sadly.


A wacoshop miniature for what challenge?


Nice ebay find!

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