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@limburger – that is pretty expensive, but I could afford a few! My first Harley-Davidson was less than that. So was my Dragstar. Very cool looking machine…I would definatley ride one of those. 500pts. Do you not fancy being a ‘biker’?

Driving a car/driving a car is nothing compared to doing the same journey on a bike. They say that only bikers know why dogs are so happy when they put their heads out of a car window. Closed-faced helmets are a terrible things – I had to wear one when I did my test and that is why (I think) I failed the first time.

I have seen a few similar machines in other. bigger, cities. Newcastle is tiny for a city. You can walk from one side of the town centre to the other in less than 30 minutes. Way less. If you campare it to somewhere like Manchester or Birmingham it is a village!

Picard did ‘realise’ what his actions were leading to, but Ahab either didn’t or didn’t care. I think that was deliberate because Ahab was an utter twat and would have doomed his own crew in a heartbeat. There is a recent movie that is sort of MD, but I haven’t seen it. It is called ‘In the Heart of the Sea’ and is supposed to be really good. I suppose that revenge is one of the classic themes for a story. Hamlet can be compared to MD, but only if you excuse the Prince’s procrasternation and madness.

All of the ‘alien’ races from modern Trek are terrible. Again, all of your classic themes and enemies are there. Look at original Klingons and they were just Mexicans/Chinese/Communist enemies from that era. The Klingons would have never got past their early nuclear age. The Romulans were just Romans and might have had a chance, but would have wiped out the Vulcans the first chance they got. Cardassians were the SS/Gestapo/Nazis and they did a good job with them – until they started to expand that idea and then it just went stupid.

Babylon 5 had a few races, but they only fleshed out the main ones. No filler required. Vorlons = the white man making everything civilised without caring how it is done, Centauri are the Prussian Empire, Minbari = humans that think they are more civilised and know better. I will stop there. We could go on, and on, and on…

Garak was a good character. He is what is called ‘a Dutch uncle’. 100pts. That picture is awesome.

@ceppie – if you want a good sci-fi book/movie then try ‘Lathe of Heaven’. I have had a few tests like that. However, being a total genius it was never a concern. The Alan Parsons Project did a great concept album based on the stories of E.A. Poe. ‘Tales of Mystery and Imagination’ is what I think it is called.

astroneer adventures 2

I had a few problems with the local plant life!


I also have a buggy!

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