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Reply To: Zombicide: Night of the living Dead – CMON announcement

Home Forums Pulp, Punk, Horror & Weird Tabletop Game Discussions Zombicide: Night of the living Dead – CMON announcement Reply To: Zombicide: Night of the living Dead – CMON announcement


Cult of Games Member

Big companies are big because they give the people what they want : moar of the same.

Or to quote @avernos : ‘people are the worst’

As such I’m sure CMON will milk this until everyone is sick and tired of Zombicide re-skins.
And based on the amount of Monopoly re-skins that exist I doubt it’s going to end at all, because Zombicide has exactly the right amount of fun baked into the system (plus everyone loves to kill zombies).

I suspect they need all the extra money they can in order to cover the one innovation they do have : Teburu

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