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Reply To: Well more "limited" releases that don't even last beyond the first 2 days (GW)

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Well more "limited" releases that don't even last beyond the first 2 days (GW) Reply To: Well more "limited" releases that don't even last beyond the first 2 days (GW)



Meh it’s gw, Necromunda is a specialist game so actually part of forge world, and that bit of the company seems to have been immune from the restructure if anything over the last five years its seemed FW have gone as hard in the opposite direction as gw have in the “right” direction.

As for tactic cards it’s one bit of the hobby I have zero qualms obtaining a pdf of from various Russian sites, or just looking to a link of pics of the cards on imgur.  End of the day due to limited release the rules won’t be allowed for competitive play, so it only effects friendly play and if ur mate won’t let you look at their cards u need to find better people to play with, or just obtain them and print ur self.

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