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Reply To: Printing one of the Titan Forge Patreon minis with supports already done!

Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming Printing one of the Titan Forge Patreon minis with supports already done! Reply To: Printing one of the Titan Forge Patreon minis with supports already done!


Cult of Games Member

Metal scraper: Would a fresh wallpaper scraper  or one of those stanley bladed paint scrapers be up to the job?

Razor blades: I assume stanley blades or box cutters would do ok, or are they too fat?

Glass jars: I can start saving old coffee jars etc.  I usually keep one or two in case I need to strip paint.  I guess if the IPA will strip the unset resin it might melt the plastic lid of a coffee jar?

As a cylist every year someone gives me a repair kit so I have a few sets of alan keys already.

Kitchen roll can be got from tescos.  Newspaper can be gotten from free papers, or swapped out for the 1000s of A1 drawings I’ve printed for work and no longer need.

UV Lamp.  Its sunny this week in the UK.  Who knows about next week, and we all know the moment we are allowed out of our homes it’ll be cold and raining again.  Still, it can be put off for later.   Good to know.

I’ve got a few of those timers.  I think I might be afraid they’d switch it off before the job is done, but once I’m comfortable with the run times thats not a bad idea.

The cheapness/disposable nature of the minis is definitely something I’m looking forward to.  One day the toddler is going to want to try painting something.  He’s not getting a £20+ mini or anything I care about.  He can have a mini of his choice printed for him.  Plus we can print and play stuff and it doesn’t matter if clumsy hands smoosh a mini.  I’ll get him mini gaming sooner or later, whether he likes it or not (I see lots of hero quest minis on thingiverse…)!  Still, any ideas if we can strip the paint off them with dettol same as usual, or will dettol damage the resin?  I guess I’ll mess up an early print and I can experiment to find out myself.


I hear resin is not all the same and doesn’t behave the same.  Different brands, and even different colours with a range will have different setting times etc (Or something.  Don’t quite know what I’m talking about yet).  I assume this mean that when my tank is running low I cannot top it up with a different colour resin or resin from a different line.  Can I top it up with resin from the same colour and line or do I need to be more careful than that?

Oh, and waste disposal. Does the old resin have to go to the tip or are there other ways?  I don’t drive and I have been known to be lazy.  Not quite sure how far away the nearest tip is or if my office does any chemical disposals.  We might.

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