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Home Forums Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions Serious and honest question here… Reply To: Serious and honest question here…


Cult of Games Member

For me, I think it stems from the infamous Matt Ward Codex, which was… I believe 5th edition? I think it was the one with the Ultramarine blasting some Chaos dude point-blank.

Up until that point, Ultramarines had been the poster boy because they were “Codex Compliant”. However, that Codex took it to almost parody levels. The book spent 95% of its background pages talking about the Ultramarines, how amazing they were, and how much the other chapters wished they could be like them.

It said that Calgar was the best space marine who ever space marine’d, and that his only weakness was that he was so perfect that allies would get jealous of him.

I’m honestly not even being hyperbolic. That Codex presented them as the best Chapter in every possible way, giving them all of the focus, all of the special characters, and all of the glory. For my group, at least, that was when they started getting eye-rolls.

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