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Cult of Games Member

Sorry to hear you feel like this – but it’s understandable!

I recently gave away a load of minis for a similar reason – when I printed them, I was excited at the idea of having them painted up, looking cool on the tabletop (and, when not used for gaming, being proudly displayed on my hobby shelf). But day after day, week after week of looking at them in their various shades of grey, they made me feel bad. I felt like I had too much ahead of me and couldn’t see the day when I’d look forward to painting a mini that excited me, instead of clearing the backlog of “stuff to do”.

So I just gave them away. It was quite cathartic. I don’t miss them.

My workshop is an utter state – unfishined projects everywhere, mess and crap strewn about the place; I’m looking at far longer than 3 hours to get it all cleared up. But it needs doing. Because when it *was* clear, and everything put away, it was a joy to walk in there and think to myself “what should I do today?”

At the minute it feels like the workshop dictates what I need to do, because it’s such a shit-tip. And wanting to start something new means pushing everything else to one side and trying not to feel guilty about it.

Sometimes a good clear out and a tidy up, and taking a break is a good idea. I just did the same – left my painting alone and played with some electronics. Now I’m ready to paint again.


Give us a shout when you’re ready to come back 😉


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