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Reply To: Will Rank and Files games have renewed interest when the world reopens?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Will Rank and Files games have renewed interest when the world reopens? Reply To: Will Rank and Files games have renewed interest when the world reopens?


Cult of Games Member

everything happens in cycles … at least most of the popular stuff in any hobby tends to follow cyclical trends somehow.

I’m sure ‘rank&file’ will return once people figure out how to make it cheaper and easier for beginners.
Maybe all that is really needed is a good movie / tv series that makes it interesting to want to replay the battles ?

Because for me both are why I don’t have any interest in that style of game at the moment.

Can I say that 28mm rank&file is just silly ?

15mm rank&file could be interesting … and it might solve the cost/speed of painting bit of the equation.

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