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The semi-mythical historical stereotype (that is just as prevalent in 40k and Fantasy) is always a good trope to tar historical gamers with.
In my few years historical gaming I have met few that anal, but they are about. They are few and far between really, though I suspect they are easier to find online… they tend to not be good socially in person.
Most historical gamers, the huge majority, are helpful, polite and enthusiastic.
What you have to take into account is that for many historical gamers, the key part of it IS the history. Being historically inaccurate kinda is the diametric opposite to their hobby.
Being passionate about history is often as much of a hobby, if not more, than the gaming itself.
My bookcases are testimount to my love of WW2 military history, and why I am analysing retentive when it comes to WW2 miniatures.
I won’t put historically inaccurate stuff.on my table if playing a historical wargame… whats the point? Luckily my gaming group has the same foibles and historical research is a boon, not a chore to us.
Those type of historical gamers are the ones who will be able to tell you what colour piping they used in the War of Jenkins Ear and how many rivets are on a 38t.
I pursue my hobby in my way… rivet counting and all. I dont expect or care how others do it. Paint pink panzers for all I care if it makes YOU happy thats a good thing. What makes me happy is trying to reflect my love of history and admiration for the fighting men of previous centuries by trying to reflect the look of these men as accurately as possible. Think of it as a means to pay a little respect back to those who did it for real. Especially with WW2, I’ve met so many veterans, I feel I owe it to them to present history is as factual way as possible… but still with a view to gaming it.
You will always find vocal minorities who like to pursue a perceived superiority over others in all hobbies. But I dont think there are that many.
Wargaming is a personal hobby and I think best pursued in that manner. I won’t tell someone they painted their tank the wrong colour… but I also wouldn’t put that tank on my table.