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Reply To: What to use to get the grease off TTCombat / Troll Trader resins?

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming What to use to get the grease off TTCombat / Troll Trader resins? Reply To: What to use to get the grease off TTCombat / Troll Trader resins?


It might be a matter of the primer that you’re using as well. I’ve seen a few things here and there from the Reaper minis forums that the Bones line had issue with not taking spray primer. I’ve seen that rubbing alcohol has been promoted to “dry out” the mini of the material. Personally I’ve done the same with soap/water cleaning and then follow up with airbrush priming. I think it comes down to the propellant used in rattle cans that the material just doesn’t like. It makes a little sense with nylon and other polymers that don’t have a porous surface for primers to take hold.

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