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Reply To: There is no place for (armoured) vehicles and fliers in a 28mm skirmish game?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion There is no place for (armoured) vehicles and fliers in a 28mm skirmish game? Reply To: There is no place for (armoured) vehicles and fliers in a 28mm skirmish game?



There’s always people who game the system like that, which is why most competitive scenes will restrict the number of platoons (for Bolt Action) or the number and/or type of detachment (for 40k) and so on. I imagine there’s even people who try and ‘game’ Napoleonic games by spamming out 10 rifle regiments for a British Army when they only had 3 battalions of 95th, 1 battalion of 60th, I think two battalions in the KGL and then various companies of rifles like the 7th Fusiliers. I think it’s unfair to blame a game system for an individual players choices.

To go back to limburger’s original point it is sometimes a little ridiculous to think that a Jagd Tiger has a place in a game of a couple of green minimum squads just to fit it in, but if you’re stretching out to larger games of, say 2000 points then it’s more reasonable. Also more reasonable to expect an extra platoon. You could also argue at that point you’re reaching the limit of scale in that system. But it’s doable, if you fancy playing that game. Aircraft are a bit trickier, just because of what they are/do on a battlefield. We could represent a strafing run with a template and have the same effect. But at the same time we all want to hold the plane and make the whoosh! sounds, right? There’s always a question of scale, but also fairness. I swear that the Tiger in Bolt Action that is 666 points was only pointed as such for a laugh and is not an empirical pointing scheme, but who cares? A Tiger is something you pick up because it’s cool, or you saw it in a book, or in a movie. Same thing with an Imperial Knight for 40k. I would say that the bigger problem here is a player who’s ‘done the maths’ to get the most efficient way of winning a game. Someone who’s playing the meta. That will happen with any game system because there’s always someone who has to win as much as possible. If you’re playing a friendly game and you want to pull out the big toys, then just ask you opponent if he minds. Most normal people will probably ask if they could use their special mini as well. My younger brother has an army of Imperial Knights, simply because he loves the models and he’s done an amazing job of painting them. If he asked me if he could play against me with them, I’d be cool with it because it’d be something I knew was coming.

This is an incredibly long way of saying ‘friendly games should have friendly atmospheres and if someone want to be a dick, don’t play with them’.

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