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Reply To: OnTableTop needs a forum – A discussion thread

Home Forums COG – Green Room OnTableTop needs a forum – A discussion thread Reply To: OnTableTop needs a forum – A discussion thread



The problem with discord is the chatty nature of it. It allows conversations to get lost among a myriad of other replies and if you can’t be on it all the time trying to search for something is a nightmare. Also the chattiness also makes it seem very clicky, there’s maybe 6-8 people on the CoG discord who (and no offense is meant here) seem to live on it permanently. This has meant they have formed bonds and relationships making it more intimidating and slightly off putting to newcomers as there are real or percieved in jokes making them feel like outsider’s as opposed to part of the group. However with forums even with thread derailments it’s easier to chime in with something you may feel is relevant to the conversation.



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