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Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ? Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?



Armada may be dead to some folks, but not all, and perhaps not the majority.

Crabbok is the only YouTuber that I follow on Armada and Legion. He has run demos at big US gaming conventions in the US for FFG and they seemed to have a good relationship, but not so much with AMG.

He very recently, ie like in the last 24 hours, did a YT livestream about his approach to the news.  He mentions the 7 stages of grief, all whilst wearing an “Armada’s  NOT  dead” t-shirt, available from his merch store.  The Armada coverage is the first 33 minutes plus change.


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