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Reply To: Contrast Paints, is everyone really using them and are they actually quicker?

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Contrast Paints, is everyone really using them and are they actually quicker? Reply To: Contrast Paints, is everyone really using them and are they actually quicker?


Cult of Games Member

I use them on pretty much every project these days and they have been a huge speed/productivity boost to me. What I tend to do though is use them over a zenith undercoat, and always mixed with medium. Two thin coats (to coin a phrase) rather than one thick coat. I’ll often drybrush/highlight with wraithbone between layers to get richness and shading with decent enough looking highlights on top. Thinning contrast allows good blends between different colours. This beastie here is 99% done using the techniques above. Is he going to win awards? No. Does he look good for 2-3 hours work? I think so.D28DC613-8839-4DCC-801D-821AD3B459A680D3D59C-2500-4FAC-BCCD-6A9D40671B10417C68E2-C0D1-48ED-AF49-E4EEB2B5B425C158EFB6-FAA4-45AA-835A-D68C1B9F66DA

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