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Reply To: Dear UK miniature makers

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Dear UK miniature makers Reply To: Dear UK miniature makers


Cult of Games Member

@ced1106 you still need a shipment of resin and/or fillament.
and you can bet that they will (try to) introduce a tax on digital goods, because of ‘reasons’.
We’re currently taxed extra on any storage device (anything with a harddisk) because it could be used to store music and movies …

I don’t blame small shops who simply decide not to ship to the EU as a result of the extra misery the politicians created.
And I’m pretty sure that if OTT were to act as a hub for small UK manufacturers that (even if the workload was manageable) there’d soon be laws against that sort of thing. We can’t have poor people evade taxation like the rich.


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