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Reply To: KS – The Wargaming Stories has launched

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion KS – The Wargaming Stories has launched Reply To: KS – The Wargaming Stories has launched


Cult of Games Member

I looked at it, and I would love to watch all the interviews as I expect there’s some good stuff in there.

However I think the pricing I just way off the mark, for me it’s too expensive and I suspect others feel the same hence the slow start.

Each episode is effectively movie length which is great but aside from the short trailer clip it’s unknown as to what the final interviews will be like, compared to say backing a board game it’s perhaps a little too much of a gamble?

As for price, the £15 for an episode is bonkers, the £60 pledge is the only one that makes sense for every episode. At £60 it’s not cheap in the age of Netflix. I understand there’s high production costs however I feel a simplified and cheaper pledge tier might have been more successful e.g. £25 for the series and would have got more backers I tested.

Hopefully this goes ahead as I said I’d love to watch the interviews.


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