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I think that @taochi hit upon something that was rather poignant. The acquisition under anxiety. As a minor dopamine rush we like the new and shiny for the proof that we can have “this thing”. The thing is a token that we can be in control of something or perhaps is just the idea that we are capable/qualified in some manner to be great.

Namely we get stuff with great ideas in mind and then sit on our assess letting the material collect dust as our disbelief in our abilities kicks us about. Sure, the box art looks great but we can’t ever get there. Watch videos of other people and think that they’re skill is something beyond us. Pbbtttt!!!

Paint/use what we have, give it away if need be, and clear the space we live in. This is really one of the main things that drives my Giftmas barrage that I’ve been doing. Every year I give away stuff around the world to people I have never met and it feels good that the shiny I had is now theirs. I sometimes kick out unpainted stuff as I know there are people who might well just want to do it themselves but its really Christmas for them. The unexpected thrill of “what could this be?”. As @sundancer has found out, to his chagrin, there are themes that can be developed and you can keep these parts of our inner children alive for wonder and glee. Zen thought and some Marie Kondo declutter might be therapeutic. If you really want the hardnose approach take in a few episodes of Hoarders.

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