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Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming 3D Printing… Where do I start? Reply To: 3D Printing… Where do I start?


Cult of Games Member

Your funnels (those paper filters with a bit of mesh in the bottom?) can be used as many times as you like – until either the mesh fails – and lets solid bits though – or gets so gummed up with resin, it stops letting the liquid through. I use a metal tea strainer – it means after filtering, I can rinse it in acetone easily.

ALWAYS clean your print head and your tools. It’s also good practice to mop up any spills *as soon as they happen* and if the area around your prints starts to feel sticky (no matter how careful I am, this always seems to happen after a while) give everything *non-plastic* a wipe down with acetone (for plastic stuff, use IPA if you have it, or regular house-hold cleaner also works if you’re thorough).

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