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Cult of Games Member

@horati0nosebl0wer I am already planning my new house based on my collecting/hobby needs … My collection is not Avernos sized, but I suspect it is bigger than I’m willing to admit 😀 as there are several armies hiding in my pile of opportunity.

The only reason I haven’t gotten one is that the ones that are ‘affordable’ also tend to be either smaller than my current appartment or in the ‘better rebuild it from scratch’ variety …

Tiny success achieved.
NFC reader/writer for my pc is up and running … I didn’t need a driver. Now all I need is code to make it work for my own idea.
I did discover that it is infinitely more sensitive compared to the one in my android phone.
The hardware solution detects nfc tags at +/- 5 cm distance, wheras my phone only sees them at 5 mm distance (if I’m lucky).
As such I think that going pc-based for now is the best way forward. Am going to solve the android option eventually, because I want it to work. OTOH … I probably should establish the core concepts of my app before diving further into the hardware side of things. Need to investigate QR code printing at tiny sizes as an alternative.
Anyways … I think I’ve got enough ideas/concepts to start a project for this thing that I’m building inside my brain.
It is kind of hobby related and might help me re-focus my hobby energy. I’m excited to start writing code for hobby purposes again … and that’s after over a decade of not writing anything (for fun).

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