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Reply To: Silver Bayonet set in North America? Let’s discuss

Home Forums Pulp, Punk, Horror & Weird Tabletop Game Discussions Silver Bayonet set in North America? Let’s discuss Reply To: Silver Bayonet set in North America? Let’s discuss


Cult of Games Member

I pretty much agree with your list. I would have taken the British list as a basis, and then start to swap soldier classes out on a 1 for 1 basis. For example, scrap the Highlander add in Irregular, remove the heavy cavalry certainly etc.- basically ending up with the same list but from a different approach. I would probably lean towards one of either an occultist or champion of faith, but not both, as for a national identity they seem to be counter to one another – dabbling in the occult is likely rarer if the society has a strong faith.

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