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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion A Multitude of Horus Heresy Starter Boxes sent to YouTube creators Reply To: A Multitude of Horus Heresy Starter Boxes sent to YouTube creators



@limburger.having watched Ash’s videos, I can see a few reasons.

First, it isn’t straight 7ed, they have made a few tweaks.  The major one being a reaction system for the player whose turn it isn’t gets to use to keep them engaged in what is happening.

It’s an alternative from current 40k, which some look at as being bloated with rules, books and FAQs, erratum, stratagems, etc….  Each to their own I guess.

Even though GW are promoting it as a 2 player starter, you are right about the Spartan.  In Ash’s vid it was pretty unbillable for just infantry going up against it.  I don’t know that his opponents having a Dreadnaught on their side would have helped much, it is such a beast….

One of those new tanks that have been previewed would have helped a bit I think.

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