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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game – Shipping surcharge Reply To: Darkest Dungeon: The Board Game – Shipping surcharge



It does seem these days that some companies are spending a lot of money on marketing. They need to generate hype for the KS project, and there are no end of ‘Influencers’ who are more than happy to get product and money to shill. Holding games hostage (games that people have already paid for) is a pretty shitty move.

I would want to see complete transparency from the company on where all the KS money went before sending them a dime. But for folks who have dropped $200+ on a game I suppose getting mugged for another $50+ seems like a small price to pay to get their mountain of plastic and mediocre game that will need rules updates (and another KS) to fix.

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