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Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Has tabletop Kickstarter passed its peak? Reply To: Has tabletop Kickstarter passed its peak?


Cult of Games Member

As a buyer of big miniature game Kickstaters I did reach saturation point.  I bought KD:M 1.5, Batman: GCC, Mythic Battles: Pantheon, Conan TMG and finally Solomon Kane.  All of them took years to deliver and anything similar with a print it in China and then ship it has been crippled by the shipping costs and tax issues now we in the UK are out of the EU.  I’m not a CMON buyer but their latest KS with a game price quoted excluding shipping and tax charges (which were quite literally breathtaking at 50%+ of the game price) show that this model is doomed.

I do back 3D printing KS but even that will run out of steam as my digital collection exceeds my ability to print what has been bought.  The only room is probably for historical miniatures which are underrepresented in the market but I’m sure that will get dealt with soon too.

Good luck to KS but I can’t see where the model fits into the hobby unless it is to help realise things that wouldn’t otherwise get made, Ragnarok miniatures by Colin Patten or the Etruscans from Agema miniatures.  I’ll still use it for them but otherwise I’ve got plenty of places to put the hobby £.

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