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Cult of Games Member

I have run out of batch paintable models now and only really have pieces I want to take my time on.  I’m aiming for quality over quantity this year, along with more of a focus on solo playing campaign-based board games.

Gaming Pledges

  1. Finish Gloomhaven with friends (Started March 2018) (Currently 7 missions left, and perhaps new side missions?)
  2. Start new campaign game with friends
  3. Any 3 of the following solo plays:
    Finish C3 of ATO
    Finish C4 of ATO
    Finish C5 of ATO
    Play KDM People of the Stars
    Play KDM People of the Sun
    Play KDM Gambler Campaign


  4. Win White Gigalion Vignette
  5. Win Black Knight Campaign
  6. More of above

Hobby Pledges

  1. Paint at least as many models as I gain
  2. If a faction/game starts the year 100% painted it should end the year 100% painted
  3. Always get it painted before it gets to the table
  4. Finish Gamblers Chest playable non-modular minis
  5. Paint ATO Minis ahead of playing with them
  6. Paint Black Knight playable non-modular minisOptional
  7. A bust for Spring Cleaning Challenge? (Probably not going to happen)
  8. Aim for less that 20 unpainted Normal models (Currently 78 with KS’s in the ether), but, ignoring any end of year preorder deliveries (Miracles can happen!)

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