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Reply To: BreTONEia

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion BreTONEia Reply To: BreTONEia


Cult of Games Member

First, make sure we all have the correct spelling.  it’s BreToNNia – single T double N.  That should guide you down a certain route. I have always pronounced it Bre-TONN-ya, using the short “o” sound, because of the double N.  It’s very uncommon in English to use the long vowel sound prior to a double consonant; an long vowel sound is normally indicated if a vowel is followed by a single consonant followed by an “e” (as in Fame) or sometimes an “ia” (as in Albania).   Another example would be Comma and Coma.  So anyone pronouncing it “Bre-tone-ya” (or “Bre-tone-ee-ah”) is, well, wrong. probably.

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