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@jayadan very atmospheric! Is it from a particular range?

@buggeroff what flavour are those paddle-pops? They look like they’d be a bit rough on the tongue 😆

The skirmishers are looking solid!

@oriskany fantastic work, I admire your skill and patience painting camouflage

@somegeezer the Poxwalkers look good from here! Having done a load of them recently myself, I understand “done” being satisfactory.

@blipvertus more awesome work. I like the bright skin colours, they’re like poisonous frogs!

For my part, I’ve been re-working some old mini’s.  These old Bloodbowl Skaven I painted in… ’96? ’97? In a bit of a glow-up challenge, I’ve stripped one of these and repainted it.



Just the one for now, but I’ll get to the others eventually…

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