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Another CLASH of Spears video ( 15' ) and some sample armies

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    So here we have another CLASH video, this one is a short 15′ example of the basic mechanics between two units. A unit of Iberian Scutarii attacking some Triarii that are passing by while off duty..


    Also I mentioned on the comments for the News about our partnership with Victrix that I would show a couple of sample armies.

    The boxes are planned to have a few more models than what you need for a base 900 pts army, that allows you to plan different forces by mixing the minis you already have..

    Here are 3 sample 900 pts armies I’ve done for Romans and Carthaginians that can be done with what you have on the base boxes..





    Thanks for this. Without having at least a quick rules overview it is still a little tricky to follow everything here in detail. It is certainly not too hard though so once this is out I shall certainly pick up a copy.

    The boxes and starter lists are a pretty ideal point so you have done this perfectly.



    Yes, it is just a sample video..

    We hope to do some video tutorials as the game comes out…





    The more I see, the more I like!

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