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Degenesis RPG now free to play

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  horati0nosebl0wer 4 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #1511259

    Cult of Games Member

    Degenesis – The Primal Punk RPG from sixmorevodka is now a Free to Play RPG

    Set in an unusual post apokalyptic world, Degenesis is one of my favorite RPGs, because of the story-telling, world building and awesome artworks. And so much more.

    Just visit the website a scroll through the world:

    And the sixmorevodka crew gone a step farther:

    Man, i remember those guys from many years ago (2001), when i bought a “Ein Stern wird fallen” from them.

    It looks like future releases will be only in english too.

    Btw. Degenesis RPG needs a pull down tag.


    Cult of Games Member

    Just about to post this, amazing RPG

    and now an amazing site. Well worth exploring.


    Cult of Games Member


    Having further investigated the website further, I have to say I believe this is the most in depth website for any roleplaying world, it is going to take me many weeks to fully read everything currently on there. The artwork is phenomenal and even more impressive when you realise about 90 pieces have been produced in the last two weeks prior to launch of website.

    I have also watched the questions and answers video regarding the new website and future plans:

    What fascinated me is their plans for interactivity, they will be setting up hosting facilities for GM’s to run online games, furthermore you will be able locate your adventure party on the interactive world map, and when two different adventuring parties meet on the world map they are building in an interactive war game to fight out conflicts.

    Is this the future of rpg’s with all content free to download, an internal hosting system and a fully interactive world map? Possibly a topic for a future XLBS @avernos


    The setting is definitely a joy to see taking the near and far future mashed together. So far its all given me quite a bit to plough through during work. Once I have money to play with again this is something I’d like to get physical copy of.

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