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This topic contains 15 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  wolfie65 2 years, 8 months ago.

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    GW have announced the return of the vertically challenged bearded ones to 40k if anyone is interested. Short video over on the website.


    Cult of Games Member

    sure … and next they announce that killteam will get a single book with all factions 😉


    I mean, yes … they’ve sort of hinted that there are still demi-humans out there with one-of characters for Necromunda, but I doubt this is anything other than an april fools’ joke.

    OTOH … the scented candles for 40k were made real.


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s a very high production quality April Fools joke.  And who knows, maybe the april fool is actually fooling everyone into believing it’s an april fools.  It’s certainly a lot less obvious than the left handed paintbrush and Citadel water of yesteryear




    I hate that this was real.

    So much for squats being a fun and cool gamer meme.   Now they will just be an expensive and overpowered “new” faction for a wargame that already has way too much faction bloat.


    Cult of Games Member

    Anything GW makes in terms of new units and models will be expensive and overpowered at release 😉

    The big issue (IMHO) is that GW also sucks at making factions unique. The quickly devolve into yet another not-spacemarine list as they get all the same tools and special rules as the rest. The little bit of ‘extra’ is hidden in clumsy special rules that are either completely overpowered or impractical to use or just plain worthless.



    Yeah, squats used to be dwarven “not Imperial Guard”. Now it looks like they’re going down the Terminator route that used to exist for their old squats in exo armour models (which were supposed to be rare).


    Cult of Games Member

    Will they also be “primarised up”?



    I am sure they will be taller than an old commissar .    I quite like the picture of the squat with a plasma pistol and it will be good if they do some with helmets.    I am more interested in what models they do for the old world for my retro hit though.



    I’m just worried about how Raging Heroes will respond. I’m certain they will try to apply their “sexy vision” to Squats, and it will not go well.


    Cult of Games Member

    A bit front heavy lady beards?


    Cult of Games Member

    IIRC the ‘exo-armour’ was for the hearthguard … the elite bodyguard for the king/leader/general.

    Then again … the space marines got space marines inside powered armor that made terminators look like the least armored unit in their army list.

    Standard troops had flak jackets and helmets like the Imperial Guard did.

    There is plenty of room for interesting units. I’m not sure how much GW (is willing to) deviate from the original concepts.
    The space nuns were pretty much slightly modernized/better proportioned versions of their classic originals.

    The one new squat looks different, but it’s only one model and we don’t know what he is (leader, elite, soldier, specialist ?).

    @brianfowler713 sexy squats ? As if space dwarves aren’t sexy enough … just ask Ben 😉
    (they haven’t done sexy Orks, have they ?)



    Don’t you DARE inflict that evil on this galaxy!


    Cult of Games Member

    You’d think they would lean into the Demiurg angle and separate them from the imperium altogether. Make them humanoid stunties, but alien Lot you could do with them without adding another human faction to an already bloated roster. I’d be amazed if the imperial players ever fought a xenos or chaos player just based on the faction counts, must be 4:1 imperial vs everything else at this point (having done no math to come to that figure)


    Cult of Games Member

    @avien 40k is one big civil war … with a few xenos to distract the inquisition 😉

    I must admit that there is a huge focus on factions for mankind, while Orks and Eldar have to make do with just one codex for their entire race. Even the Eldar got degraded as both Harlequins and the new Eldar variant got included in the same codex.
    Meanwhile spacemarines get a flockinging codex per chapter …

    I still think that the best sourcebooks GW ever did were the two ‘Realm of Chaos’ books and the Ork book.
    Nothing has ever come close to those 3.

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