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Flames of War – For The Win

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ninjilly 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #1613699

    Cult of Games Member

    So who else would like to see another series of Flames of War For the Win?

    It was the series that first brought me to Beasts of War years back and still think it is probably one of the better series done.  It started with the basics and progressed through to full battle reports (which we don’t see enough of on OTT).  With the new edition surely a new series would be great to cover of changes to rules and all the new books.



    It is also what drew me to Beast of War. While boot camps may be of great interest to participants, I much prefer the concept of flames of war for the win to introduce the game. Dr. Steve was very knowledgeable and could break down the game for us new players. TY might benefit also to undo the damage done by the old gentleman initially showing up for battlefront.




    I don’t know if you’ve been around for all the global campaign and escalation league stuff that Gerry did on the site back in 2019 but there was a lot of great content for it. They did prizes for projects etc too. I imagine plans will always be there when new editions come out, OTT have shown good support for the game. Covid though. The Conquest league has suffered because of it.

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