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This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  piers 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I got these fellows with a handful of ‘Realms of Chaos’ miniatures. I was wondering if anyone had any information about them, whether they are rare etc.


    Many thanks



    Someone will correct me if I am wrong, and I most likely am, but judging by the bases they look a lot like the old Ral Partha figures from the 80s.


    Cult of Games Member

    Ral Partha miniatures nearly always had Ral Partha stamped on the underside of the base and a year


    Cult of Games Member

    Is there anything written under the bases? Any markings or year?


    Cult of Games Member

    No markings on the base unfortunately.



    I don’t know them, but they give me the impression they are some chess pieces. Maybe it is the angle but the left one has something on his head that looks like the battlements on the top of a rook and its neck less form is also quite similar, and the right one looks like it represents a knight.



    I think the unicorn headed chap might be the old runequest broo:

    other one I don’t recall ever seeing.  Might be worth digging around on stuff of legends..

    Exact rarity I am not sure but there is a market for pre-slotta, if you are on face book the oldhammer group is a far more informed than myself


    Cult of Games Member

    I think you could be right with that


    Cult of Games Member

    They look to me like Bryan Ansell’s work from the late ’70’s, which would make them either Asgard miniatures or very early Citadel.  I say that because his vision of “Chaos” was prety unique back in those days.  There weren’t many companies producing that kind of material.

    Oldhammer FB group is the way to go for a definitive answer.  Very lucky that they don’t suffer from lead rot!  A nice piece of history if my guess is correct.


    Cult of Games Member

    Awesome, thanks all for the input. The unicorn beastman is Citadel Runequest. The one on the left is ‘Zygor the Snake Arms’, apparently early Realms of Chaos. Seems to be going for a fair whack on ebay but i’ll take that with a pinch of salt. I checked the Oldhammer forums (Don’t use FB anymore) and he has been described as rare but not much more information than that.



    The Unicorn headed one is a Runequest Broo from the blister packs, released in October 1983.

    Zygor is from December 1983 and was the Limited release figure from the Compendium One which contained an article on The Mark of Chaos that featured 3 Chaos monsters – Ngaaranh Spawn of Chaos, Zygor Snake Arms and Leaping Slomm Two Face. Slomm and Ngaaranh were later released as part of the c27 Chaos Monsters range but Zygor wasn’t. Thus he is relatively rare and does command a premium price.


    Both are reasonably well sought after if they are in good condition and not suffering from ‘Lead Rot’… Between £6 to £8 for the Broo on average on most trading groups. Zygor… depends on condition but anywhere between £20 to £30 isn’t unlikely depending on condition, though one sold last month on Ebay for only £16…


    A few years ago you could have doubled those prices, perhaps even tripled them, but prices seem to have dropped off in the last few years with regards trading Oldhammer stuff. I think the recent revival of GW has had a lot to do with it.


    Cult of Games Member

    @piers Very comprehensive, many thanks.

    Nice to know a little history behind them before I make a decision on their fate. Very characterful models and I do enjoy the chaos aesthetic and vibe from that era.




    Keep them. You will never be able to get them again. I have a modest collection of Oldhammer stuff, but I still regret selling certain bits off (granted it was to buy more but still…)…


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