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[kickstarter] Sandstorm Wars

Home Forums Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions [kickstarter] Sandstorm Wars

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  mousaka 6 years ago.

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  • #1310364


    I saw this kickstarter as I have be wanting to get some of Macrocosm’s new sci-fi mercenary models and their squats, which are now available as part of this project, and have stayed because of the other tasty models that are also available, including the Nurgle-type, cultist and natives-with-big-guns models. Ignore the art and check out the pictures of the models that are available.

    These models are now gathered together in a new background with rules if you want as well. So worth a look see, won’t cost you anything you can’t afford:



    Ks has been funded, so these models will now be available at some point next year which is great for anyone who has an interest in this.

    Means that the 7th and 8th factions (one of which is the macrocosm Beastmen I believe) may appear by ks or commercially in 2019 since they didn’t appear in this ks

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