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Price of GW's Shadowspear in NZ

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  hobbyhub 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi All,

    For those that are interested, the price of Shadowspear in NZ is $347.

    For comparisons sake the cost of Dark Imperium is $250.


    Cult of Games Member

    Does that include delivery by flying monkeys and a signed letter by the CEO of GW to apologize for the absurd pricing ?




    I wish….  The exchange rate used to be around NZ $3 for each pound, but now that is down to $2.   BUT of course GW haven’t changed that part of the equation. (I realise there is a big transportation part of the price.)

    Upon further reflection it is around the price of 2 Start Collecting 40K boxes, which range in price from $165 and $195.



    Pricing like that makes me feel bad for people in AUS and NZ who like GW games and products while at same time also being happy that I don’t live there so that I don’t have to pay prices like that.



    As an Aussie I can somewhat sympathise, though I feel that it’s even worse in NZ?

    If you really want that set, I’d recommend Mighty Ape? They seem to offer a small discount on all their gaming stuff, certainly that set is a little cheaper with them




    Also worth noting that in Australia at least (probably NZ too) it is hard to get 10 or 20% off from onliners such as appears to be standard in the UK. Whilst they exist they are frequently out of stock and it seems like they have a hard time maintaining supply. So this is further price inflation by GW.

    I find the constant gouging annoying at it influences me away from GW and towards other games.



    I was really just posting the price in NZ dollars so other places could do a conversion to the own currencies.

    New Zealand, I believe, is the first part of the GW webstore that get preorders since it is GMT+12 hours  (+13 hours during daylight savings, which it currently is).

    Being an ex-retailer, I try to order from Brick and Mortar when possible.

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