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Question on 28mm and 32mm terrain?

Home Forums Terrain & Scenery in Tabletop Gaming Question on 28mm and 32mm terrain?

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  northwolf 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post around here, I got back into the hobby this summer with Fallout Wasteland Warfare after having dabbled in some GW stuff back in my teens (mostly Epic 40k).  I am loving painting and creating nice tabletop layouts for the game  and I am now eyeballing some additional games to play.

    I really like the 32mm scale of Fallout and I have been considering going with Bolt Action next since the scale is close at 28mm.  There could also be overlap with terrain since ruins can fit both settings.

    Are 28mm and 32mm terrain pieces compatible to the point of not worrying about the scale difference?  Or do I need to judge it on a piece by piece basis (its often hard to understand the scale of pieces for sale).


    Cult of Games Member

    Shouldn’t be any problem at all



    Hello and welcome!

    I don’t see an issue with ruins, but the only thing I would say is you will find everything from 1/72 to 1/43 being marketed as being compatible with 28mm models especially on certain auction sites – so it is worth taking your time, researching and looking about.



    Agree with the other guys, there shouldn’t be any problems.


    Cult of Games Member

    You can probably get away with ruins but for actual buildings it’s definitely worth doing some research. The scale difference between bolt action and Fallout might be bigger than you think.



    I often see 28mm-32mm lumped together or no mention of 32mm.  Is it a rare scale?  compared to 15mm or 28mm?


    Cult of Games Member

    As far as I can gather 32mm is heroic 28mm in the same way 28mm used to be heroic 25mm



    It used to be “heroic” 28mm or badly scaled as I like to think of it. A few companies are now specifically marketing as 32mm wild west exodus for example. It’s still massively in the minority though.


    Cult of Games Member

    I haven’t checked against recent GW offerings because I don’t really play 40k but WWE was significantly larger than the 40k of 10 years ago as I found out when I bought a WWE miniature for a Dark Heresy RPG when everyone else had a GW miniature. My Space Cowboy looked like a basketball player compare to everyone else. That said GW’s miniatures have generally gotten larger, certainly for Age of Sigmar they have – I pretty much consider AoS to be 32mm now. Is 40k the same?

    I have zero experience of Bolt Action so I really can’t say how big the miniatures are – I am assuming they’re similar in scale to the Hail Ceasar and Pike and Shotte (but I freely admit that I am making an assumption).


    Cult of Games Member

    When I was in the attic painting I took a photo of a 28mm miniature next to a 32mm miniature. The Frostgrave 28mm miniatures are on the smaller side being much closer in height to historical miniatures like footsore (although they do have heroic proportions). The Human Interface Nakamura Tower miniatures were, I believe, marketed as 32mm and they are, as you can see noticeably bigger – literally head and shoulders above.

    In terms of terrain I find sci-fi stuff tends to lean towards the bigger scale simply because GW is a slightly larger scale. You also find that many of the things that might cause visual anomalies due tomminiatures scale, such as doors, are oversized anyway because “sci fi” (lots of double doors and sliding doors etc). And as I said, ruined buildings suffer much less from scale differences because its ruin, it’s blasted and broken.




    Thanks for the pic and the details, Its giving me a much clearer idea of what to look for!

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