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South Essex Sharpe’s Rifles

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This topic contains 18 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  alfonsothetraitor 4 years, 6 months ago.

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    I painted up some South Essex from Sharpe’s Rifles that I will one day be playing Sharpe’s imageimagePractice. image


    Cult of Games Member

    Lovely work.What range are they from ?


    Victrix limited , not the best but you get 50 For not a lot of money and they are plastic.  You get a lot of different poses.





    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks @alfonsothetraitor .That’s them going on the purchase list for a future project.



    The Victrix are nice because you can get a whole box of Light/Grenadier Company minis. They look great! Excellent work on the mis-matched trousers!


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve never got further than looking at the Perry’s for 28mm Napoleonics, but those Victrix minis look pretty good too.


    Thank you !

    That was something that I saw in the Sharpe’s Rifles series that stuck with me that I really wanted to do when I finally painted miniatures .


    I went with the Victrix Ltd for two mayor reasons first was value. You get 52minis for a great value and second was I went with the Peninsular flank companies because of the great poses. I mean you do get some block marching troops that you need for Napoleonic’s but you also get a lot of action poses that I wanted for playing skirmish games what I was going to play.



    It’s very historically accurate, something that Bernard Cornwell strives for in his books! (If no one has read the book series I do highly recommend it.) Basically, the British at the time were supposed to wear white canvas trousers, but when they wore out they bought local cloth to make new ones so they called them Portuguese Brown.


    Cult of Games Member

    They look great, lovely work. I remember going to the rifles museum in Winchester as a kid, they had a massive Waterloo battlefield all set up, it was very impressive.


    Cult of Games Member

    And thus begins the next great army build-up!


    Two Samurai armies last time…….


    This time are you doing the entire Waterloo battle in ‘One mini equal One Soldier’?  It will be grand if you do it!  🙂


    That museum sounds awesome.


    Still working on those Samurai I had to stop because I ran out of  Samurai . I will buy more when funds are made available. I had these sitting on the shelf for a while n out w and thought I would give it a try


    Cult of Games Member

    A few Weekendenders / XLBS shows ago,the guys were looking over a company that made the characters from Sharpe,can anyone remember it’s name ?

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