Warren and Darrell have a look at the elites section of the Grey Knights codex and let you know just what's good for the Knights.
Inquisitor Coteaz Army List
13 years ago 11The Inquisitor that allows you to take your henchmen as troops... this army list won't be cheesy at all then!
Inquisitor Coteaz – Character Breakdown
13 years ago 6The archetypal Inquisitor, what do the guys think of this embodiment of the Emperor's will?
Castellan Crowe Unboxed
13 years ago 14Darrell unboxes his least favourite character in the Codex... the Grey Knights whipping-boy... Castellan Crowe.
Castellan Crowe Army List
13 years ago 19It's as if they can't get enough of this guy, despite what they say... the boys make an army list based around Castellan Crowe!
The guys move on to the HQ choices from the Grey Knights section of the Codex and discuss some of their favourite entries.
The guys move on to the HQ choices from the Grey Knights section of the Codex and discuss some of their favourite entries.
Is he the worst possible character in the Codex... or just the worst in the game. The lads discuss this Grey Knights character that makes his opponents better! But what's your verdict?
What are the troops like for these rebooted Grey Knights. Warren & Darrell discuss the troop choices. What will they decide?
The lads sit down and discuss the Assassins section of the Inquisitorial section of the new Codex... are they the cheesiest part of the new book? You decide!
Inquisition HQ Choices
13 years ago 9In this one the guys sit down to chat about the Inquisition HQ Choices.
Darrell has the Grey Knight Terminators to show you guys, this is a dobble kit that can build you the Grey Knight Terminators or some Grey Knight Paladins.
Justin and Darrell sit down to chat about the Inquisitorial Henchmen and its looking as if this is where Darrell is going to be doing most of his cheese hunting!
Warren and Darrell have a look at the elites section of the Grey Knights codex and let you know just whats good for the Knights.
Warren And Darrell sit down to chat about the fast attack choices for the new Grey Knights.
Darrell opens the new Grey Knights Infantry box, let's see what he thinks of these 5 new silver warriors.
We have another army list for Grey Knights Week and today its Grand Master Mordrak’s… Darrell loves this one!
Darrell gets his hands on the new Nemsis Dreadknight and lets us know just what you get in the kit.
Darrell finds a Grey Knight character he likes. Its Grand Master Mordrak and he's not alone... he see's dead people....
The guys discuss a Grey Knights army list based around Lord Kaldor Draigo.
The Grey Knights Codex… is it shiny or scary?
14 years ago 58Warren and Darrell sit down to give you guys your first look at the new Grey Knights Codex, what stuff is new, what is old and what was removed... lets take a look.
Lord Kaldor Draigo Character Breakdown
14 years ago 73Darrell and Justin discuss Lord Kaldor Draigo, one of the Grey Knights’ eight grand masters. Traped in the warp, battling unending hordes of daemons he never gets a tea break and ventures forth to battle the chapter’s greatest foes.
Thanks for watching Grey Knights Week It's been a total blast and we've all enjoyed digging deeper into this very cool army! Thanks to all who have signed up and especially those who took the time to comment, and add […]
Romain finishes his work on the Warhammer 40K Grey Knight Terminator in the last of three videos.
Romain continues his work on the Warhammer 40K Grey Knight Terminator in the second of three videos.
Painting Grey Knight Terminator Part 1
14 years ago 45Beasts of War's new painting guru, Romain. Paints a Warhammer 40K Grey Knight Terminator with his unique Gallic flair.
Painting Nemesis Dreadknight
14 years ago 29Jaroslaw from BuyPainted.com puts his amazing skills to the test when he paints a Nemesis Dreadknight exclusively for Beasts of War!
New Rules Update for Grey Knights from Forge World
14 years ago 7You heard it right guys! Forge World have updated their Grey Knights and Inquisition rules to coincide with the new GK Codex.