Salute 2019 Live Blog!

Battlefront Miniatures Update Us On What's Next!
The team at Battlefront Miniatures give us a rundown of some of the new stuff coming your way for their games including of course Oil War and all sorts for Team Yankee, Tanks, Flames Of War and beyond.
You might have seen an unboxing for Oil War recently and the Let’s Play for Great War which was really good fun.
Please. Let us win those Merkava’s.
Tanks, tanks glorious tanks
Give us more great war.
Is “Hit the Beach” the old starter box they had some 8 or 10 years ago. I recognized or I think I recognized the V1 on the cover. It was the hell of a good starting point for beginners, and the new old box will be too, with all the new rules, stat cards and stuff replacing the “old” stuff. But, please, don´t mix the infantry of the two factions on one sprue. For beginners it is a bit difficult to tell the one from the other.
the French WWI tank looks brilliant.
Ooo Boot camp
I know, my ears pricked up at that particular snippet!
I’m really enjoying getting stuck in to Team Yankee, and now with Oil War I plan to get into some desert war action and build a British army based on 4th Armoured Brigade.
The more I see of Oil War the more I am tempt to build up a force!
Love the Tank games and can’t wait for the June releases.
Hold on did he just say Boot-camp…. BOOT-CAMP. i missed team yankee boot camp and then mid war. I’m damned if i miss the next one
Wow, nice offerings from battlefront as well! Interested to see what in the big box.
all hale the tank god
Oil War looks an absolute winner.
Looking forward the release of Late War v4 stuff in June. And the Oil War looks fun. Wonder if there are plans to bring China into the Team Yankee world…
Boot Camp !!!!