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UK Games Expo 2016 Live Blog!

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Plastic Soldier Company Take On The Battle Of Britain


Here we have a larger version of the new game from Plastic Soldier Company where you will be taking on the forces of the Germans and British during the Battle of Britain.

A game for 2 to 4 players this will see you commanding squadrons on bombing runs and trying to battle each other in the skies. It has a nice push your luck element to it with the combat and the way in which you deal with your fuel.

Additionally it will be on Kickstarter soon so watch out for it. This one looks very fun. The models will be smaller (obviously) in green and grey plastic.

Plastic Soldier Company Take On The Battle Of Britain

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Cult of Games Member

I’m liking the look of that, especially if it comes with the sticks to push the planes around with. It should also come with stick on mustaches for the brits, so they can twirl them when its going well

Cult of Games Member

yep. That ‘big’ size feels like the proper size for a game like this.
It has that proper ‘war room’ feel to it with those sticks.

I’m reminded of the campaign mode in the pc game ‘Battle of Britain’ ( )
As such I wonder if you could combine this one with ‘Wings of Glory’ for that true epic feel.

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