UK Games Expo 2022: Sunday Live Blog

See What Warlord Games Have Lined Up! PLUS - WIN A Prize!
The folks at Warlord Games could not be missed. So, we caught up with them to talk about Combined Arms and all of the new games and miniatures that they have to give away.
In addition to talking about their new releases, you folks can dive in and win yourself a copy of the game AND that neat German Halftrack set as well for Bolt Action.
I have alwys liked the idea of adding a campaign element to my wargames so combined armes is interesting
Bolt Action is an amazing gamę. Having a designated campaign system would only make it better. I need to look it up.
Hannah who ?
Bolt action is one of those games that my mate has been trying to get me into for a while now. I really should give it a go.
When arms are combined do you get clapping?
Nice did the use DD-tanks in the Pacific.
So much to check out! Slaine, Dredd, WW2, need more time (and shelf space 🙂 )!!!
Very interested in Combined Arms, could be a great way to get people into Bolt Action, as it seems to have really died here lately.
It’s always good to see the Warlord guys doing well. Combined Arms looks very cool!
Combined campaign systems are great. Used to have a Warhammer one with Man o War.
This is such a great idea! So cool that you can campaign in multiple systems, by land, air and sea!
That is really good idea so bravo Warlord Games, bravo.
Nice. A campaign is always great fun. Love to see On Table Top try it for
Bolt action.
Combined arms looks interesting (and so does the Sd.Kfz 250 kit)
More halftracks are always better
Cool prizes.
Combined Arms sounds interesting. Definitely curious.
A game as a campaign system sounds like a great idea. But a lot of painting
Have an ancient copy of mighty empires, have always been a fan of a grander sandbox campaign for wargames.
The Combined Arms being both a stand alone game and a campaign system is a really good idea
Combined Arms is such a clever idea, a board game that also can be a campaign system that bridges all of the WW2 lines. Brilliant. Epic Waterloo has been a dream for me, thank you!
Like the look of the new kit.
Warlords always has amazing box sets and products. Plus very generous with their products.
bolt action is a great game