Salute 2019 Live Blog!

The Williamite Wars In Ireland!
Keeping with the theme of historical…because we know what you love, we thought we’d take a look at another of the extraordinary looking tables which has been designed to refight The Williamite Wars In Ireland!
This is quite the dynamic and interesting table filled with all sorts of little vignettes.
Lovely looking table. Keep the eye candy coming please.
You can just imagine the fifes and drums
and thexswearing, lots and lots of swearing
Your mission, bring these home and go through it in detail.
Very nice. These are 30 Years War miniatures, right? Some of them, at least. Not the ones with the tricornes, ok, but the rest?
One of the best of the day figure wise
Willamite? Is that the Irish version of the British Marmite, or Australian Vegamite?
It’s the Dutch version
Loving all these amazing tables, a real treat for wargamers of every stripe!
very nice
The Battle of Aughrim in 1691. Would loved to have seen this in all its glory!
That’s a stunning table. There’s an adjective you might see a lot of in the next few comments …
darn tootin