Salute 2019 Live Blog!

TooFatLardies Take Us To Vietnam + Win A Prize!
We managed to catch up with Rich from TooFatLardies as he delved into their new rulebook which will be taking them to…Vietnam!
You Could Win – Chain Of Command & Sharp Practice Rulebook
Make sure to let us know what you think of their games and if you’re going to be joining them in the Vietnamese theatre of war!
Always nice to see some Lardy representation on the show.
Beard’s great Justin
These games look good
Justin BADGERING Richard for a prize !
What part of that was about Vietnam?
Love Far East theatre. A definite for me ?
Sharpe Practice for the win!
Their Chain of command rules are superb. Watched a demo last year and have been itching ever since to have a go at it.
What’s not to like…
Giving Justin’s stuff away again!? ??
Those tables look really sharp too.
Chain of command does look interesting. Would be cool to win a copy and try it out
Big CoC sounds great! Will make the game lots of fun for large gaming groups. This table looks amazing and really inspires me to look into that theater of WW2
The games look interesting.
If you have not, by all means look up and watch all of the Chain of Command, Sharp Pr active, and What a Tanker play through at OTT/BoW. The are both interesting and funny. Some of the best lets plays I’ve ever seen on any YT channel. Well done lads.
Badgerbeards for the win
I shall not stand for this blatent abuse of Justin. I shall assemble my armies and march to war.
*scrambles for carry case*
Good old lard boys, chain of command is probably the best ww2 rules going
The first casualty of war is unlucky.
Would have been great to have seen more of their actual products.
loved the look of that games table
wow! knocked it out the park this year, table looking particularly spiffing this year chaps
The best vids I have watched from OTT / BOW have been with Rich
Sharp Practice is a great game, but I would love to have a go at Chain of Command.
Not sure where the Vietnam bit came in here (unless I missed it), but the Far East should prove a bit challenging for rules writers due to the terrain aspect (so I’d presume it might all lead to a Vietnam book later on). I wonder if they did a write up on the main lardies site of this battle (as I’d like to know more…presses button) 🙂