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Darkstar - Sample Starship Design Sheet: Valcour Class Fleet Destroyer

Tutoring 9
Skill 15
Idea 14
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First off, I'm very glad to see that people are interested in this Darkstar content.  I know it's not usually the kind of miniature-based wargame we see on Beasts of War - but projects can come in all shapes and forms ... including the design and construction of new game systems.  <br><br>In any event, here is the design sheet from MS Excel for one of the 90 or so warship classes in the game at the moment - the Valcour class destroyer.  Once players select the class and engineering plant, they start selecting things like armor, shields, weapons, aerospace craft, marines, extras, from drop down menus that appear in the component column.  For guns, marines, small craft, etc, they also select number.  This adds up the power and weight of each system, and the totals are tabulated at the bottom.  Remaining power is divided by accrued mass, and that is the ship's thrust.  Standard for destroyers is a 6 (some classes are faster, some are slower), but the Valcour is designed as a standard First off, I'm very glad to see that people are interested in this Darkstar content. I know it's not usually the kind of miniature-based wargame we see on Beasts of War - but projects can come in all shapes and forms ... including the design and construction of new game systems.

In any event, here is the design sheet from MS Excel for one of the 90 or so warship classes in the game at the moment - the Valcour class destroyer. Once players select the class and engineering plant, they start selecting things like armor, shields, weapons, aerospace craft, marines, extras, from drop down menus that appear in the component column. For guns, marines, small craft, etc, they also select number. This adds up the power and weight of each system, and the totals are tabulated at the bottom. Remaining power is divided by accrued mass, and that is the ship's thrust. Standard for destroyers is a 6 (some classes are faster, some are slower), but the Valcour is designed as a standard "workhorse" class warship, so I was aiming at a 6.

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