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Cypher2009 on Chain of Command (15mm)

Cypher2009 on Chain of Command (15mm)

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Getting started...

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 7
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So, after watching a number of videos on Beasts of War, one system sparked my interest. After digging around, I came across a load of 15mm WW2 minis from a project I did a long time ago. Time to get creative…

So, first of all, base sizes?

I decided on 2 base sizes (I know the rules may say “All minis need to be on this base size” but hey… its my hobby! 😛 I decided on 1p’s and 25mm MDF circular bases. The reason for two sizes is that some prone figures are slightly larger than 1p.

So, as I want to use a basing texture paint for quick and ease, I wanted to make the 1p’s flatter and easier to base on…

Enter the first task of hobbying…

The things we do for the hobby...The things we do for the hobby...

Yum yum yum…. Well, now thats done… First step is to glue the 1p’s to the cardboard to get a flat surface.

Make sure all cakes/biscuits are consumed before gluing.Make sure all cakes/biscuits are consumed before gluing.

Once the glue is dried, cut out the bases using scissors and/or a hobby knife.

When the bases are cut out, start gluing the minis to the bases.

Start of my British force.Start of my British force.

My British force at the moment: two squads of 8 men (4 man rifle team, 3 man Bren team, one commander), one 2-man Boyes Anti-tank rifle team, two 2pdr anti-tank guns (need to base two more crew for each gun to make a 5 man crew for each gun) and two 2″ mortars (they are on one base, but as its a two man team, I figured it wouldn’t matter too much). So far, all figures are from Peter Pig. I will look at adding other ranges at a later point.

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