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Battle of the Bulge - Bolt Action Campaign by Andre77 and Bothi

Battle of the Bulge - Bolt Action Campaign by Andre77 and Bothi

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Mission 1 - continued

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 5

I wanted to put this BatRep into one post, but you can only put 12 layout pieces into a single post. This makes it really difficult to integrate text and pics. Maybe BoW/OTT changes this in the future. Or maybe I just didn’t found the right tools and someone can explain to me how to create larger posts.

So the BatRep continues in this post. Read the post below for the beginning.

End of turn 4

Despite the booby trap and a lot of resistance fighters blocking the way the Germans mounted up and made good ground on their left flank during the third turn. Nearly all of the resistance fighters were gone and the free French in the field were completely annihilated.

Meanwhile the lone Puma on the right flank was advancing downfield and taking out one of the SAS MMGs. It’s not looking good for the Partisans.

Mission 1 - continued

Then finally a ray of hope for the Partisans in form of a well placed SAS bazooka shot at the beginning of turn 4 that took out one of the SdKfz. With only small arms otherwise these things are tough to kill.

Having identified the left flank as the main German advance the squad of SAS and Frech intelligence move onto the road to intercept the Germans.

But the Germans still have all chances of winning. We calculated that if they got the Opel Blitz with the stolen art and only a single SdKfz (plus carried troops) off the table it would most definately be a German victory.

Mission 1 - continued
The remaining SAS MMG is waiting for a target.The remaining SAS MMG is waiting for a target.

End of turn 5

This is were it all went wrong for the Germans. Realising that they had to put the pedal to the metal to make it to the end of the board until turn 6 they had to issue run orders to all of their vehicles. Meaning they just didn’t had the firepower to deal with the veterans of the SAS and the French intelligence.

This resulted in one SdKfz being overrun which was a huge victory for the Partisans as the SdKfz turned out to be the absolute nemesis to them. Now only one of them remained. And the Opel Blitz. Still enough to pull out a win for the Germans…

Mission 1 - continued

… but unfortunately the remaining SAS MMG not being able to do anything against the SdKfzs has been lying in ambush for two turns now. Waiting for the truck carrying the stolen arts. And despite all mathematical propability it managed to disable it leaving the stolen goods intakt.


Turn 6

Seeing the Opel Blitz carrying art of incredible worth disabled the Germans packed their bags and left the field. Only the Puma and a single SdKfz carrying the Oberleutnant managed to escape. With also a few free French on the other flank escaping this meatgrinder it was a clear victory for the Partisans. In victory points 9 : 4.

The French SAS and Intelligence inspected the stolen art and put it on a truck heading back to Paris and probably the Luvre or something.

We played the second mission directly after this one, but it will take a few days for me to get the pictures. So stay tuned for Mission 2 of the Battle of the Bulge Bolt Action Campaign.

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome battle report, @bothi and @andre77 ! Let’s get more people posting battle reports in the project page! I’ve been posting a lot of battle reports in Valor & Victory 1918 and Darkstar Projects, so I know what you’re up against when it comes to “posting text and images together.” I’ve been building these on my desktop first, breaking battle reports into 5-photo segments. That way I can have five photos, five blocks of text, and have two spaces left over for left over for subtitles, etc. It helps (well, speaking for myself at least) to lay everything out in… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

In retrospective, if all german would be mounted and they would ignoring all troop who don’t stand on the street. Just speeding (Run) down the street, if would have been much easier, because you can’t charge a running vehicle. Only the Bazooka would be a problem. But with more dedication they could be done too.

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