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FoW: Vietnam by Andre77

FoW: Vietnam by Andre77

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NLF started

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8

These were assembled and black coated some time ago. Added 2 shades of grey dark grey and grey and did a thinned nuln oil over this. Not spectacular.

42 bases. 143 VCs.42 bases. 143 VCs.

After this comes the first real time consuming step. Paint the flesh. I’m unsure, if i should do the feets, because under the grass they will possible be not visisble. When these all parts are done i will add a agrax earthshade over everthing.


41 to go.41 to go.

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andre77oriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great start! I’ll admit when I did my NLF / VC 15mm (Old Glory Miniatures) I painted the whole boot black like you did, then was able to get the effect of the “rubber tire sandals” with just a few careful applications of flesh (to show where the foot shows through the sandal). That said, it was very time consuming and doesn’t show very much on the table because there’s usually foliage / grass on the base that hides it from most angles. When it does show up, though, it looks pretty good. It just doesn’t show up that often.

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