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Horses first... then beasts

Horses first... then beasts

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23 Aug 18: The Under Mouth

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3

Since it the most recessed part of the model I figured it would be best to start with the Antelope’s massive under-mouth.

I started with a base of GW Mechrite Red, then used Vallejo German Camo Brown to Base the ribs and the teeth.

The Under-MouthThe Under-Mouth

I built up the first stage highlights with a rough 2:1 mix of Mechrite Red and GW Bronzed Flesh.

The next stage was roughly 2:1:1 Mechrite Red, Bronzed Flesh, GW Bleached Bone.

I have seen other version of the Screaming Antelope where the rib-like shapes have been painted as ribs, though I wanted the area to have a look much more akin to a human mouth. No bare bone other than the actual teeth.

The look so far was a bit too pink. I added a glaze using GW Blood Red, but still wasn’t entirely satisfied.

Finally I went over with a glaze of GW Brown Ink. I ran this over the teeth as well.

After drying, I used a mix of 1:2 Mechrite Red and Bleached Bone to re-highlight the ribs and the stretch of skin at the top of the mouth. I added a little more Mechrite Red to this mix to differentiate the skin there.

The mid tone of the teeth were then done with GW Bubonic Brown, leaving some of the darker colour showing around the base of the teeth as well as on the flat surface. This was done to simulate molar style teeth where appropriate.

The highlight was done with Bleached Bone.

Overall, I’m pretty happy with the result so far!

23 Aug 18: The Under Mouth
23 Aug 18: The Under Mouth
23 Aug 18: The Under Mouth
Survivors-eye view...Survivors-eye view...

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rayzryrdavehawes Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This is quite interesting, I’ve seen this maw painted more like an exposed rib-cage most times before. Given the creatures actual attack though, and how it’s turned out here, I think perhaps it was always intended to be more like a giant mouth on the bottom of the creature.

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