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Quick and easy Kill Team bases

Quick and easy Kill Team bases

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Completed bases

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 7

So with that you can base up a Kill Team in around 30mins with these steps and maybe a hair dryer to speed things up too

I wanted to show the quickest way to this with them still looking table top standard but if you have a few bits lying around or a but more time you can add as much as you like….

Completed bases

… thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed

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Cult of Games Member

These look great.
It kind of looks like tarmac, so it could be useful to more than just killteam.
‘walking dead’ would do nicely with these as well.

Can you explain how to create those bulletholes in a bit more detail like you did the rest of the tutorials ?

Cult of Games Member

Fantastic project and great idea! thanks so much for taking the time to put this one together!

Cult of Games Member

I’d been doing something similar on Knight base, but you have gone even more with basic base, Brillent.

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