40k-Speedpainting-Challenge: A Battalion of Kasrkin in one Weekend ***COMPLETED***
2249h: OSL finished, Bases to go
This was much more fun. And under the stress of time it worked quite well. I am satisfied. But I am still 49 minutes behind schedule and only a bit over an hour is left for the bases. So I will make my words short:
Blue OSL went on the Plasma Coils, Plasma Backpacks and Power Swords. Its based on GW Ultramarine Blue and mixed step by step with white until I reached pure white. I painted 6 layers (first pure blue, last pure white).
Same goes for the purple that went onto the Psykers Stave. It’s Army Painter Alien Purple and then mixed with white again. But only 4 layers here.
The Red OSL that went on the muzzle of the Meltas and their backpacks is a bit different. It’s 4 layers but of different colors. If you mix red with white it only gets pink. Colors in order are: GW Red Gore, GW Blood Red, GW Trollslayer Orange and lastly GW Yriel Yellow.
What do you think of this very fast painted OSL?
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