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Bonefleet! Shaltari Dropfleet Commander

Bonefleet! Shaltari Dropfleet Commander

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Battleship Magnetising

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 5
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After a month off painting some Fallout stuff, I am back to my Shaltari and magnetising a Battleship so that I can field either variant.  This was nice and simple as the top section just sits in place and slides out to change things up.

I used 4mm x 1mm magnets which are going to be plenty strong enough to stop the pieces sliding off during play.  The magnet on the hull and carrier piece are sitting in place on the surfaces of the pieces, I only needed to do a bit of light trimming to clear enough space for them to fit.

The particle death triad piece required a hole to be drilled so that the pieces could sit flush.  I first drilled a pliot hole with a pin vice then bored out the larger hole with the 4mm drill bit by hand.  Resin is fairly soft and cuts easily without mechanical assistance.

Battleship Magnetising

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